3-67 Armor Fort Stewart - 1/4 Show Caption + Hide Caption: Armored crew members with the 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, take turns lifting a 50-pound dummy round over their heads during the Tanker Aptitude Evaluation portion of the Second ABCT Tank Competition, on the 18 an of April at Fort Stewart, Ga. The com... (Photo credit: USA) SEE ORIGINAL

2/4 Show Subtitle + Hide Subtitle - Sgt. Johnathan Werner, a tank commander with Bravo Company, 3rd Combined Arms Battalion, 67th Armor Regiment, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, lifts a 50-pound sleeve over his head during the tanker's suitability assessment. .. (Photo credit: U.S. ) SEE ORIGINAL

3-67 Armor Fort Stewart

3-67 Armor Fort Stewart

3/4 Show Caption + Hide Caption: The 1st and 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Teams of the 3rd Infantry Division shake hands after the announcement of the 2nd ABCT victory crew. This year, 3rd ID will send two teams to the USA Sullivan Cup. The Sullivan Cup is a highly competitive competition... (Photo credit: USA) SEE ORIGINAL

April 2014 Speed & Power Post By Speed & Power Family Programs

4/4 Show Caption + Hide Caption: A crew with Bravo Company, 3rd Combined Arms Battalion, 67th Armor Regiment, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, won the 2nd ABCT Tank Competition on 18 of April in Fort Stewart, Ga. The competition was used to determine the crew that goes... (Photo Credit: USA) SEE ORIGINAL

Fort Stewart, Ga.- Crew with Bravo Company, 3rd Combined Arms Battalion, 67th Armored Regiment, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, announced triumphantly after the second competition of ABCT tanks on the 18- an of April at Fort Stewart, Ga.

Two tank crews from the 3-67 AR and the 6th Squadron, 8th Cavalry Regiment competed to determine which unit would advance and represent the third ID in this year's US Sullivan Cup competition.

The best tank teams from across the , Marine Corps and international partners will travel to Fort Benning, Georgia, to compete in the upcoming Sullivan Cup competition from April 30th to May 4th.

United States Army Training Center Fort Polk Louisiana Co D 4th Bn 5th Bde

The Sullivan Cup helps recognize excellence throughout the force and the Armor Branch. It also emphasizes the importance of mastering the basics that the military must maintain as a fighting force to maintain a lethal edge over potential adversaries.

B Co, 3-67 AR, tank commander, Sgt. Jonathan Werner is no stranger to Sullivan Cup competition.

"I was at it for eight years," he said. "When I was a Gunner in 2012, my team was selected to attend the Sullivan Cup, but we couldn't compete."

3-67 Armor Fort Stewart

This week Werner's team won the competition with a score of 1567.5 points out of 2000, and a crew with Delta Tank, 6-8 Cav., placed second with a score of 1329.5.

Fort Stewart Soldier Dies From Live Fire Training Injuries

"We train for about a month and a half during the training and equipment process," Werner said. "Our brigade just received its first shipment of tanks earlier this year after converting from a light combat team to an armored brigade combat team."

"We had to set up a minesweeper, break track, conduct recovery operations and supplement additional supplies with new engagements that half of my crew had never experienced," Werner said. "Fortunately, my people were up for the challenge."

The Spartan Brigade is the 15th and newest armored brigade combat team (ABCT), earlier this spring the fleet of armored and tracked vehicles began arriving. The "Hell Hound" battalion (3-67 AR) is one of four battalion-sized elements of ABCT that have tanks in their formations.

Cpl. Justin Harris, gunner of the winning crew, said: "Our goal is to set the standard for all armored brigades. We may be the newest armored brigade combat team in the , but we plan to introduce 'Hounds of Hell' to the competition." FORT STEWART, GA, USA 06/23/2021 History of the Spc. 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team Devron Bost, 3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs

Rd Infantry Division (united States)

FORT STEWART, Ga. - The 3rd Battalion, 67th Armored Regiment, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division held its change of command ceremony on June 16, where Lt. Col. Steven L. Chadwick handed over command to Lt. Col. Daniel. G. Hodermarsky at Cottrell Field at Fort Stewart.

Chadwick has commanded the 3rd Bn., 67th AR, an armored tank battalion with the call sign "Hound," since June 2019 and thanked his family, veterans and soldiers in the field for their support.

"I've found in the last few weeks that when you finish a battalion command, you spend a lot of time reflecting on the privilege and experience of command and the many accomplishments of your Soldiers," Chadwick said.

3-67 Armor Fort Stewart

Chadwick's commitment to continuing a legacy of success and determination in the Greyhound Battalion has been followed through with results.

A M88a2 Recovery Vehicle From 3rd Battalion, 67th Armored

"Steve, you have the spirit of a warrior," said Col. Terry R. Tillis, commander of the Spartan Brigade, 2nd ABCT, 3rd ID. "To the Chadwicks, thank you for your investment, your sacrifice, your perspective and your unique ability to accomplish the mission. You led multiple initiatives that had an impact on the battalion, brigade and division."

During his time at the command, Chadwick served as the commanding officer who led troops during their recent deployment to Europe and Germany. He will continue his journey with the Operations Group at the National Training Center in Fort Irwin, California, as a senior trainer for the task force.

For Hodermarsky, this is the second time he plays in the division. He previously served as the operations officer for the 3rd Battalion, 69th Armored Regiment, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd ID, completing multiple deployments to the Baltics, Poland and Germany.

"Daniel, welcome back to our division, we're glad to have you and your family back," Tillis said. "I know you will continue to do great things. I ask that you continue to lead by example and hold yourself and others accountable."

Soldiers Assigned To The Mortar Section Of 3rd Battalion, 67th Armored Regiment, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, Ire A Volley Of 120mm Rounds Toward A Target At Op4 On

"I am incredibly honored, humbled and excited to be back here at Fort Stewart with the third ID," said Hodermarsky. "Thank you all for your continued support. All policies and procedures remain in place. Ready for war! Send me! Rock of the Marne!"1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption: Soldiers assigned to the "Hound Battalion", 3rd Battalion, 67th Armor Regiment, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, receives the US First Unit Equipped Award after competing in field-level maintenance and equipment training new to the operator for the modernized M2A4 Bradley Fighting Vehicle at Fort Stewart, Ga. . , April 22, 2022. The nearly decade-long effort to upgrade the BFV culminated with the first unit, 3rd Bn., 67th AR, 2nd ABCT, 3rd ID, equipped and trained with the M2A4 variant, improved with improved mobility and power output. . abilities to increase combat lethality and survivability. (US photo by Pfc. Duke Edwards, 50th Public Affairs Squadron) (Photo credit: Pfc. Duke Edwards) SEE ORIGINAL

2/2 Show Caption + Hide Caption: Lt. Col. Mario Iglesias, right, M2A4 Bradley Fighting Vehicle Ground Combat Systems Program Executive Officer, poses with Soldiers and Capt. James Corino, right left, Charlie Company Commander, assigned to the "Hound." Battalion," 3rd Battalion, 67th Armored Regiment, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, after being awarded the United States' Equipped Award for completing field-level maintenance and training new equipment for operators on the modernized M2A4 Bradley Fighting Vehicle at Fort Stewart, Ga., April 22, 2022. The nearly decade-long effort to upgrade the BFV culminated with the first unit, 3rd Bn., 67th AR, 2nd ABCT, 3rd ID, equipped and trained with the improved M2A4 variant. with enhanced mobility and power generation capabilities to increase combat lethality and survivability. (US photo by Pfc. Duke Edwards, 50th Public Affairs Squadron) (Photo credit: Pfc. Duke Edwards) SEE ORIGINAL

FORT STEWART, Ga. - The "Hound Battalion", 3rd Battalion, 67th Armor Regiment, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, is the first unit to complete field-level maintenance and training of a new operator in the modernized M2A4 Bradley Fighting. Vehicle and received the U.S. First Unit Equipped by the Executive Office Ground Combat Systems Program on April 22 at Fort Stewart. On 1 February, he released the first M2A4 BFVs to the "Spartan Brigade", 2nd ABCT, 3rd ID.

3-67 Armor Fort Stewart

The nearly decade-long effort to upgrade the BFV culminated with the 1st unit, 3rd Bn., 67th AR, 2nd ABCT, 3rd ID, equipped and trained in the M2A4 variant, enhanced with enhanced mobility and power generation capabilities. Improvements include a power upgrade to regain speed performance and increased turret power, allowing the platform to accommodate future technologies.

Army Spartan Brigade Preparing To Put Newest Combat Vehicles Through Their Paces

"This Bradley variant will ensure that the platform maintains combat relevance now and for decades to come as we look forward to the Optional Manned Combat Vehicle, or OMFV, platform replacing it," said Brig. Gen. Glenn Dean, the program management officer for PEO GCS. "We have deployed the most capable Bradley Fighting Vehicle to date, with the Bradley in service for three decades. As the A4 variant has improved mobility and power generation, we will be able to integrate new technologies."

The plans to deploy five sets of brigades. The first equipped unit, 3rd

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