Aurora Jet Fighter - The enigmatic SR-91 Aurora continues to turn heads: an interesting board game to ponder the aircraft that could become the champion of the air in defense expert circles. Sometimes these planes are a real head-scratcher and seem like a good idea, but remain a mystery. The SR-91 Aurora spy plane was developed in the 1990s, but may never make it off the drawing board.

Let's take a look at the Aurora, a plane that may change the way we look at ultrafast spy planes.

Aurora Jet Fighter

Aurora Jet Fighter

At the end of the Cold War, under Reagan, the Pentagon was looking for a faster and cheaper aircraft than the SR-71 Blackbird. Air Force planners wanted a spy plane that could fly at supersonic speeds (higher than MACH 5) and reach unprecedented heights to disrupt enemy air defense systems. The plane is believed to have a triangular shape that is invisible to radar.

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The plane was part of a special access program, or "black" project, and little is known about it.

In 1986, the word "Aurora" began to be speculated about in the FY87 budget document, which included $2.3 billion in funding. It was a great advantage that led to a lot of words. What exactly was Aurora? There is no detailed information about what happens with this type of funding.

The mystery deepened in the following decades. But in 2006, another sign appeared. The British Ministry of Defense has written a document that mentions an American supersonic aircraft that can reach altitudes of MACH 4 to MACH 6. This may be a reference to the Aurora.

In 1989, a triangular-shaped plane was flying, apparently not already part of the Air Force fleet. An oil service engineer named Chris Gibson saw what he thought was a new spy plane that year.

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However, it could be a B-2 Spirit or an F-117 Nighthawk or Gibson's imagination, because the plane probably wouldn't fly so slow or low enough to be seen.

Others note the "earthquakes" that were heard in Los Angeles in the early 1990s. The noises are believed to be aircraft debris high above the base of Groom Lake in the Nevada desert, otherwise known as Area 51.

The most likely scenario with the Aurora is that it may be a concept funded only for research and development. It might just be a "guess". In other words, yes, the US was looking for successors to the SR-71 and U-2, and yes, they were happy to throw money at engineers and designers who thought about the next generation of spy planes.

Aurora Jet Fighter

This probably resulted in an attempt to create the SR-72 Son of the Blackbird program, by Aurora. It is also a high-flying supersonic spy plane. The SR-72 should start flying in the mid-2020s and is rumored to fly at Mach 6. So Aurora could be the code name for a fantastic project involving a new development of a real spy plane. plane

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Either way, it's interesting to discuss how the Aurora lived up to many people's imaginations of planes flying at incredible heights and speeds.

. He is an emerging threats expert and former US Army infantry officer. You can follow him on Twitter

Brent M. Eastwood, PhD, who is now the new editor of 1945 Defense and National Security, is the author of Man, Machine, and Data: The Future of War. He is an expert on emerging threats and a former US Army infantry officer. Although it has entered aviation circles since the 1980s, evidence of this triangular jet remains as rare as ever. Could it be that the US not only developed and operated Mach 5+ aircraft in the 1980s, but kept it a secret to this day? The truth may be a little more complicated than you think.

Still known as the "Black Program," the Pentagon has a long history of funding the secret development of advanced technology. Today, the most secretive efforts have failed

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Or SAP that restricts the dissemination of information even among those with the highest level of security clearance. Some recognized SAPs are never fully disclosed, even years after completion, and some SAPs are not recognized at all.

After pouring over more forum posts than historical media reports, declassified documents, witness statements, and U-2 photos.

Editor's Note: Many thanks to our friend Rodrigo Avella for using Aurora's beautiful artwork for this story. You can find more of his work here or follow him on Instagram.

Aurora Jet Fighter

It is important to remember that there is a big difference between technology that is mature and reliable enough to be mass produced and deployed in combat, and the economy, resources, or cutting edge technology that is not economically sustainable. possible and even political positions.

Lockheed Cp 140 Aurora

Simply put, the iPhone in your pocket is the latest phone on the market, but it is not the most advanced smartphone technology in the world today. It is a technology that can be mass produced for a target price and customer. The current latest and greatest communication technology will definitely be more expensive, may be unreliable, and may even blow your mind.

A cool $2 billion plane... but that doesn't mean you're going to start a production line for them next week. Technology demonstrator, prototype and production of small batches of exotic aircraft is not only

Being current in maintenance facilities like the Lockheed Martin Palmdale plant or your favorite area 51 fan... that's a fact.

Sometimes the effort does not lead to the intended result. Sometimes they are too expensive or high maintenance, so they are delicious. Sometimes... America's secrets lie in the desert, never to be told again.

The Great Canadian Model Builders Web Page!: Aurora

Lockheed's SR-71 Blackbird, the fastest aircraft in history, has survived more than 4,000 missiles during its lifetime as a reconnaissance platform. Its ability to reach and maintain a speed of more than 3 hours per hour made it impossible to stop using the most advanced surface-to-air missile systems or the highest flying fighter jets. So when the Air Force decided to retire the highly successful (and equally expensive) SR-71 in the late 1980s, most people assumed that the United States already had a powerful aircraft.

This assumption was not reasonable. A replacement for Blackbird has been widely discussed in the secret chambers of the Pentagon and Congress. Now, decades later, the hard facts have turned to speculation so much that any attempt to discover the truth behind the aurora is sure to lead you down a winding corridor of countless references.

The aircraft brings to mind news of Lockheed Martin's own SR-72 program, which the company promoted heavily before the modern hypersonic arms race began.

Aurora Jet Fighter

Although satellites were very useful for intelligence gathering at the time, the need for aerial reconnaissance continues to this day after the use of the SR-7. In fact, there was an SR-71

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For some time in the 1990s they met the country's intelligence needs. For many, the Air Force cannot let the SR-71 go without a suitable successor. And they might be right.

There is some evidence that very fast aircraft were tested during the period commonly associated with the Aurora.

On two separate occasions in April 1992 (the 5th and the 22nd), a journalist named Steve Douglas listened to a very strange radio conversation while monitoring a military aircraft channel in Southern California. Douglass said the plane, marked "Gaspipe," was working with air traffic controllers at nearby Edwards Air Force Base, and from what he heard, the jet must have been flying too high.

"You're sixty-seven miles [feet], eighty miles away," the controller told the pilot, then continued after a moment. “Seventy kilometers away, thirty-six miles. More than the slippery slope."

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The approach from 67,000 feet destroyed all major American assets except the SR-71 and U-2, which were confirmed not to be flying on the day Douglass recorded the radio transmission. For a long time

Editor William B. Scott analyzed the Douglass tapes for the Smithsonian in 2010 and felt confident that they were authentic, with the Air Force.

The lie that the spacecraft that secretly landed on Edwards in 1992 - "Gaspipe" - was supposed to be some kind of high-speed plane.

Aurora Jet Fighter

In August 1992, in the prestigious magazine Jane's Defense Weekly, Bill Sweetman and others revealed that US Geological Survey seismologists were recording tremors near the San Gabriel Valley in Southern California with sound signals. impact of a supersonic aircraft taking off. These events were always held on Thursday mornings at 7 a.m., but Douglass's recorded radio speeches came on Sundays and Wednesdays.

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