3rd Brigade 10th Mountain - 2 of 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption - Spc. Dali Carrillo, of the 2nd Battalion, 30th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (LI), watches the sun rise after spending the night at an observatory before heading to the mountain.... (Photo credit: USA) View Original

In the past decade, Fort Drum, NY. 3rd Brigade Combat Team in Spartanburg and Fort Polk, LA. He served separately with the 4th Brigade Combat Team Patriot, 10th Mountain Division (LI). They share the legacy of being born in response to the nation's global war on terror.

3rd Brigade 10th Mountain

3rd Brigade 10th Mountain

Although the Spartans have completed their service at Fort Drum, the name and legacy of the 3rd BCT will live on through the patriots of Fort Polk.

Th Mountain Conducts Hot Load Training With 11th Cab

As the soldiers of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team prepare to write the next pages of their history as patriots, we dedicate ourselves to remembering the service rendered by the two brigades to the country and the nation.

After nearly 10 years of history-making service, the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (LI) was inactivated Aug. 14 in a ceremony at Fort Drum's Sexton Field.

The six subordinate battalions came together in September 2004 with a specific mission: to support Operation Enduring Freedom, which would involve four deployments to Afghanistan that would ultimately play a major role in helping their own people. bright future

1st Battalion, 32nd Infantry Regiment; 2nd Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment; 4th Battalion, 25th Artillery Regiment; 3rd Squadron, 71st Cavalry Regiment; 710th Brigade Support Battalion; and the 3rd Brigade Special Troops Battalion joined the 3rd Brigade Combat Team Spartans, forming the 10th Mountain Division (LI). Their responsibilities in Regional Command East and Regional Command South covered an area of ​​124,000 square kilometers in Afghanistan.

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They first deployed to Afghanistan in the winter of 2006, in support of OEF VII and VIII, where they engaged the Taliban in the mountainous region of the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. Through their efforts, they broke the enemy's grip on the Afghan people.

During this deployment, Sgt. 1st Class Jared C. Monti of the 3rd Squadron, 71st Cavalry Regiment, earned the Medal of Honor for defending his soldiers from a heavy Taliban attack on his unit's position.

When the Spartan Brigade redeployed to Fort Durham after 16 grueling months, their heroic efforts helped bond them with the Afghan people, whom they called the "tribe of crossed swords."

3rd Brigade 10th Mountain

In January 2009, the Spartan Brigade redeployed to Afghanistan-Istanbul, returning to RC-East, where they were tasked with providing security for the southern entrance to the country's capital along with Logar and Wardak provinces. Through their counterinsurgency operations, the Taliban ended their pressure on Kabul and established effective security in both provinces.

File:u.s. Soldiers With The 1st Battalion, 32nd Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division Attend An Award Ceremony At Forward Operating Base Sultan Kheyl, Wardak Province, Afghanistan 140416 A Ru942 095.jpg

As a result of the deployment, another Spartan Brigade soldier, Captain William D. Swenson, was awarded the Medal of Honor for his gallant actions during a six-hour battle with the insurgents.

The Spartan Brigade was called upon to deploy to Afghanistan again in March 2011 when they were deployed to the RC-East region of Kandahar province – the home of the Taliban.

Spartan soldiers set out to carry out lethal and non-lethal missions to break the rebels' grip on the province. The mission kept constant pressure on the enemy, eventually driving them away from their positions. Thus, the Spartan brigade had moved further south than any of the previous Allied forces before arriving.

Spartan soldiers established themselves as a force for positive change by opening 22 schools and three medical clinics, securing and repairing more than 50 kilometers of Highway 1, the national highway in southern Afghanistan.

Th Mountain Assault Brigade (ukraine)

In October 2013, the Spartan Brigade began its permanent deployment to Afghanistan. 3rd BCT was reassigned to RC-East, but this time as the newly reorganized Security Forces Advisory and Support Brigade.

As SFAAB, the Spartans were undermanned and used multiple and highly specialized Security Forces Advisory and Support Teams, or SFAATs. Although deployed as a small force, the Spartans took charge of most of the provinces in the region—including Wardak, Logar, Ghazni, Khost, Paktia, and Paktika—releasing an element of division. Once again, the Spartan brigade rose to the challenge.

The Spartans partnered with the 203rd Corps of the Afghan National Army, sharing their skills, helping them grow their skills, while taking responsibility to protect their nation and its people. Because of the leadership and counseling skills of the Spartans, a large council of Afghan leaders and Ghazni were able to organize an Islamic festival, attended by dignitaries and followers from around the world.

3rd Brigade 10th Mountain

The brigade also led Afghan security forces in their upcoming national presidential elections. Attempts by the Taliban and Haqqani network terrorists to disrupt the elections failed, as evidenced by the Spartan Brigade's four deployments.

Special Troops Battalion, 1st Brigade, 10th Mountain Division Patch

When they left Afghanistan in July, the brigade accomplished what no other unit had accomplished before: defeating the Taliban insurgency and leading Afghan security forces to victory in the southeastern region of the country.

The Spartan Brigade leaves behind a legacy of service and sacrifice that will be remembered by generations here and abroad. The soldiers completed all the missions asked of them and more, without difficulty or sacrifice.

The Spartan motto "with or upon your shield" was derived from its name, the ancient warriors of Sparta. This meant that soldiers returning from battle had only two ways to maintain their honor: with shields at their feet in their hands or on their shields, wounded. The legacy left behind by the Spartan brigade clearly shows that they overcame their purpose, "with or upon the shield".

The 4th Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (LI), including its five battalions and one squadron, officially stands as a brigade on January 19, 2005 on the Field of Honor at Fort Polk, La. Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, commanding general, 10th Mountain Division (LI) and Fort Drum, NY, was the reviewing officer for the ceremony. Austin unfurled the battalion and squadron flags and presented the brigade colors to Colonel A. Kent Schweickert.

U.s. Soldiers With The 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division Shoot Targets With M4 Carbines At The Range At Forward Operating Base Thunder In Paktia Province, Afghanistan, April 12, 2014. The

2nd Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment; 2nd Battalion, 30th Infantry Regiment; 5th Battalion, 25th Field Artillery Regiment; 3rd Squadron, 89th Cavalry Regiment; 94th Brigade Support Battalion; and the 4th Brigade Special Troops Battalion was consolidated to become the 4th Brigade Combat Team Patriot.

At its inception, the brigade consisted of only a few hundred soldiers. However, the brigade's leadership has immediately moved to rapidly build combat power and capabilities to contribute to the global war on terrorism.

Schweikert's vision for the 4th BCT includes a highly trained, combat-ready, capability-based and adaptable combined arms brigade that continuously evolves and achieves the mission's ultimate goal of being a trained and ready combat team. to work faster Operation and victory. The brigade's initial priority was to build combat power, with immediate focus on three key areas: mobilizing leaders and Soldiers, acquiring necessary equipment, and establishing asset accountability.

3rd Brigade 10th Mountain

In preparation for the deployment, all elements of the brigade provided disaster response and assistance within Louisiana to help mitigate the devastating effects of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in the fall of 2005. The brigade deployed more than 300 soldiers to New Orleans after New Orleans. Fort Polk supported local relief and recovery efforts in communities following Hurricane Rita.

File:u.s. Soldiers With The 1st Battalion, 32nd Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division Attend An Award Ceremony At Forward Operating Base Sultan Kheyl, Wardak Province, Afghanistan 140416 A Ru942 103.jpg

Since January 2006, the brigade has deployed more than 6,000 soldiers to the liberation fronts. In 2006 and 2007, several formations within the brigade deployed and operated in Afghanistan. The brigade command and headquarters established the first US national command element in Kandahar to facilitate the transition of combat operations authority to the NATO-led coalition.

In May 2007, the 4th BCT received orders to prepare for deployment to Iraq. In November, the Patriots began what would be a 14-month expansion. The brigade operated from two forward operating bases and 22 joint security stations and combat posts. Task Force Patriot took over eastern Baghdad - an urbanized area of ​​80 square kilometers and more than 2 million citizens.

The 4th Brigade Combat Team deployed to Logar and Wardak provinces in eastern Afghanistan in October 2010. Their mission was to increase the effectiveness of provincial governments in terms of population, conduct joint counter-insurgency operations, increase the capacity of the Afghan National Security Forces and make them more stable. Transition and atmosphere to defeat the rebellion.

Task Force Patriot redeployed to Afghanistan in July 2013, when it assumed responsibility for train, advise and support.

A Convoy Comprised Of 3rd Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (li) Hemtt Fuelers Departed Fort Drum On Nov. 5, 2012. The Convoy's Destination Is Joint Base

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