3.5 Connector Glock - I bought this because I hate the factory trigger. My RMR trijicon had a problem resetting the BRA. Saw this and decided to give it a try. I used the video Lenny Migils did for the glock. I messed with the trigger and got a little nervous. Leany herself a 5th grader could follow along and set it up. Made a HUGE difference, softened the trigger.

The factory trigger shook me before I decided to buy this mount, and I expected good results, but I didn't expect the trigger on my G20 to be as smooth as the G34. My groups are noticeably smaller and can easily be covered in one shot, my rapid fire groups now stay the size of a football in my chest. The NCP coating is incredibly smooth. I am very happy with this purchase.

3.5 Connector Glock

3.5 Connector Glock

Works just like Lenny said in the videos. I went to shoot today and it turned out really well. It was definitely smoother and had more control. Worth the money it should be.

Double Diamond 3.5 Lb Connector

Made my G19 a great photograph. Easy to install, watch the video, it works well and very easy to install.

Yes, there were really big differences. Lighter, sharper, smoother, excellent tip and 1128 Konkurs trigger spring aided by a modified 6 pound trigger spring.

I received my Double Diamond 3.5 Lb connector today and I love it, I have a glock 23 gen5 it is very easy to put on and control when it comes to the range and it has been amazing and every person thinking about thinking once and getting it.

I originally ordered a Ghost 3.5 lb trigger connector from Brownells which will not fit a Gen 3 Glock 19 (even though it is advertised as such). After realizing it wouldn't fit, I settled on a DD 3.5 trigger from the Glock shop after looking at someone's glock full auto with a ghost link on the range. Night and day compared to the standard Glock trigger connector. Took him out on the range yesterday and such a smooth first bull to kill. It has a nice smooth break. I added the Apex trigger and both work fine. It still gives you enough resistance, but you can definitely feel the difference. I bought a couple of these for my Glock 35 and Glock 27 a while ago. I loved them so much that every time I got a new glock I bought a new 3.5lb link for it. I shoot pop cans from 15 feet to 50 yards.

Części Do Pistoletów / Części Broni Przerywacz Lone Wolf 3,5 Lb Do Pistoletów Glock

Glock's stock trigger is about 5.5 to 6 pounds. Although it is a trigger for self-defense, it makes shooting a bit rough. My hands shake with just enough pressure to pull the trigger. The trigger is too heavy to shoot the target.

I also tried double diamond. It's also lighter, but feels like there's more travel before the ride ends. I'm not sure, I'll have to try both side by side.

Frankly, this is a direct upgrade that significantly reduces the force required to "break" it.

3.5 Connector Glock

This part does not affect any other part of the trigger pull, so you will still travel into the "wall" with a little more than about 1.5-2 pounds of force when you experience the trigger pull. But after this point, the "break" occurs with slightly more force than is necessary to push the trigger back.

Polymer 80 Flat Faced Polymer Trigger Assembly For Glock Gen 1 4

I was already happy with the 5-pound spacer that came with the Glock Gen 3, but this doodad does a great job of improving overall trigger feel.

I think the biggest advantage is that the update is built in to improve the user experience, so it's just like stock. It is also very competitively priced.

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